Drawings and oil pastels of London, Oxford & Brighton
A chance to see some 40 preparatory sketches Nick Schlee uses as inspiration for his large oil paintings.
"I use coloured wax crayons working on the spot on paper approximately 11”x 16” covering the area quickly and incisively, The white paper gapes through giving the picture sparkle and life. The limited range of colour crayons force me to make bold decisions. I like to draw subjects that display the drama that goes with strong lighting. A dull-skied landscape is like stage scenery without the spotlights turned on. Flood it with sunlight and it becomes full of excitement. My task is to convey that excitement with my line and colour. Many of the drawings, my seed corn, are subsequently worked up in the studio into large oil paintings in which I hope capture the energy of the originals."
Nick Schlee 2014